(this post is part of a challenge I’m doing where I go 30 days of November doing something that scares me, challenges me, or just is outside of my comfort zone, you can view the start of this here: 30 Days of Embracing YES )
“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do”
― Eleanor Roosevelt
I always talk about this quote above. I like to use this for my shopaholic friends….”No one cares what you’re wearing because everyone is too busy worrying about what they look like…we are all so self-involved and even when you try to impress everyone…just remember they are probably doing the same thing”
That idea of exterior beauty really helped me. I no longer spend money on clothes to make me happy or really anything materialistic based. I have mainly clothes from H&M, which are just the basics, I wear my same riding boots way too often and when I spend my money, it’s on a good pair of running shoes or workout clothes. I realize that whatever I wear, no one will ever remember. Same goes with makeup (thank god I don’t need much) but I feel like the more you wear, the more insecure you are with who you truly are.
I went off topic. This day was devoted to not caring what people think. It’s really quite silly that I can be confident in the whole “not need to dress to impress unless absolutely necessary” but I’m too scared to do the battle ropes in front of the class. I don’t know why I’ve never even tried them before and to most people, they are simple and kind of self explanatory but the one thing that holds me back is my darn ego. Our ego is usually the blame to everything we hold back from! My ego didn’t want me to go up there, do it wrong or not be strong enough to keep up….I would be humiliated.
Isn’t that sad? It’s such a simple thing, and once you try it, its nothing. Our minds sometimes create a life that is very small because it builds these walls of safety to keep us from ever feeling pain or humiliation…but in return, we get lack of growth.
I’ve talked about Bassline Fitness on here before; it’s my go-to for fat burning happiness. It’s a dark room with spin bikes, treadmills, crank machines, row machines and battle ropes. There are two huge projection screens in the front of class that play music videos and up beat house/rock/pop songs and you leave just covered in sweat. The battle ropes are in the very front of class between the front row and the projection screens. I waited till the very last minute in class and Brie finally said, “Tiare you have to do them! Lets go” and then she shared it and did it with me:) So grateful for my friend Brie! She made it not as scary and so much fun! I didn’t realize how hard they were! Anyway, now that I’ve faced this mini-challenge, I can do them in class without thinking to avoid them! It’s funny that once we face our fears, big or small, we actually begin to lose our fear of it. Life goes full circle when we allow things to get uncomfortable. That is what I learned last night. I am so glad that I chose November as my month to face my fears because its getting me ready for the new year, where my resolution is to be fearless and be GREAT!