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“Be yourself. Not because everybody else is taken, but because you’re just plain fucking awesome!”
-Rachel Brathen
Ahhhh this wise Rachel Brathen. I have been following this woman for the past year via Instagram and met her at her master class here in Kirkland and based on everything I’ve ever read from her, along with the presence she carries, you can tell she is a phenomenal down to earth real chick with authenticity pouring through in everything she does. She brings up a good point though…you are plain fucking awesome. We spend so much time trying to figure out who we are when all we have to do is just BE.
Where does your mind go when you are all alone? On a day off with no plans…what do you find yourself doing? Where does your heart gravitate towards? We are all very simple yet complicated human beings. We want to be more than we are, we want to fit in where we feel we belong…we want to look like our idols…but we forget how amazing we are all on our own.
Since I quit drinking almost 7 months ago, i spend a lot of time alone. I spend a lot of time with my yoga practice or running. I spend a lot of time with my family and very close friends…but i have given up trying to impress the rest of you. I have given up trying to find where I belong. I have given up the search for the best diet. I have given up trying to figure out what I should do with my entire life…I’m done looking for the fricken bow I thought I was supposed to find in order to wrap up my perfect looking life in a nice little present to show you all how to be perfect and fit.
Who cares. No such thing as perfection. No such thing as ANYTHING. Everyone tries too hard to be someone they are not and they stop following their heart. You are amazing and perfect just the way you are my blogger friends.
What do we do once we settle with being ourselves? Well we take what we have and we truly LIVE our life and improve it for the better. Look at your life right now and decide what’s going well…If you knew you were going to die 10 years from now, what would you do differently today?
Yoga for me if what ties everything together. I don’t see yoga as just some way to lose weight….it’s nothing like that for me at all. Yoga for me, is the fine tuning that I choose to do everyday in order to stay grounded. Yoga is love for myself, love for my life, and all people around me. Yoga teaches me that nothing is perfect and when you are living in your most difficult times, yoga teaches you to breathe through it and that life is all practice. Your yoga practice is just practice…’s not yoga perfect. This life you have is a life practice….it will never be perfect. You will never be perfect, and that is the beauty of living a life everyday filled with the love that we get to practice compassion and self-love every single day of our existence. We don’t need to see our life as some lofty competition.
So today, stop trying so hard. Get on your mat and practice love for this life. If you have a fitness goal in mind, think of it as a goal to treat your body as a temple. Your body should only digest fresh, organic food that helps your body grow and stay its best. Choose to really MOVE your body. Stop being so sedentary. Work as much as you need but remember to LIVE every other hour of your day. Self love is most important….and from there we build a solid foundation that allows others to find it for themselves. Remember how fucking amazing you are. Namaste.
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