If you haven’t read the picture above, do so now.
It’s funny how much can open up when you change your automatic “Why’s” and change them to “What…”
We are a reactive and addictive species that likes to blame the world around us for the way our lives are today. Too often we play the victim in which case we go in circles feeling sorry for ourselves and then when that gets old, we like to bring others around us to feel sorry for ourselves.
This happened to me 19 days ago, hell even on the 18th day and maybe a few far and in between. Today I am 18 days sober and working a program to take care of that unhealthy part of myself. My reactive instinct was to play the victim in this game of life but today I have a much different approach.
Another update is that a couple months ago I started to develop tendonitis in my left thumb and only a week ago, I made the steps to heal it. Keep in mind I made power yoga a large part of my life and going the last 15 days was gruesome without it. Today was my first day back, I left my ego at the door and I had an amazing modified practice.
Our lives are mainly in our heads. Our sick ego-driven little thoughts that take over the need to do the right thing. Our egos make us practice on injured body parts, which equals further injury. Our egos tell us to drink and that we are “cured” of our alcoholism and then we drink and cause further damage to our lives and the ones who care about us. Our egos also tell us it’s never our fault and then we go in circles all over again.
I can go on with more examples but you get the point…
So this brings us to right now…set aside the silly Why’s and let’s move forward. When we stay in the Why, we stay in the Past, which is not Present, therefore UNIMPORTANT AND IRRELEVANT.
I want a joyous planet. I want to do something MORE than I am right now. I will start by answering these questions and if you’d like, you can answer them also by commenting your answers in the comment section and I will reply back to you.
What do I need to be happy?
- I need sobriety.
- I need my family close and by my side through life
- I need to hold on to real, true friends that make my life uplifting.
- I need yoga
- I need to run
- I need books
- I need to travel
- I need to make an impact on other people’s lives
- I need to write.
- I need to nurture my body with healthy food and water
- I need adventure
What do I want to create in my life?
- I want to create a blog that brings people together from all over the world
- I want to write a book that’s in correlation to my life’s trial and errors…and use it to help other people do the same
- I want to create a plant-based life
- I want to create a new way to spread yoga to more people everyday
- I want to create something new…that I haven’t yet discovered yet.
- I want to create a healthy mind, body, and soul
- When that last want is completed, I want to create a family someday…and have a healthy relationship.
What can I do to make a difference?
- I can start here on my blog, and keep writing till it pushes me further on my next journey
- I can spend more time helping others
- I can start volunteering to teach free yoga classes at local jails
- I can teach yoga
- I can overcome my loud ego
- I can be accepting of myself, and honest with others
Now what are your wants?