It’s a rainy afternoon here in Washington.
but it’s been in the upper 80′s all week so It’s been nice….Eastern Washington’s wildfires also need this right now.
Usually I would be up in the mountains on Wednesdays but it was thundering and lightning and I didn’t feel like being out in that. I decided to lay low, rest and practice yoga. I have a power class tonight but today i focused on my inversions at home.
I love the quote that I stumbled across today mostly because it mentioned mermaids but when you read it, it describes me quite well.
“I have no fear of depths”
I don’t have fear when things get complex, when a conversation gets deep and uncomfortable. I don’t mind when you tell me the most horrible stories that have ever happened to you or from you. I don’t mind tears and pain and anger…..along with deep joy and happiness….It’s all beautiful to me. Authenticity is key. I believe in opening your heart and really talking about how you feel. I may not be prefect at it but that is the beauty of it. There is something so beautiful about a person really discussing their passion, and opening up like that.
“….a great fear of shallow living”
Who in God’s nature likes this? Enjoys shallow conversation and white lies to make the image of yourself look better. It’s too often that I talk to people that have nothing to talk about. The extent of our conversation is meaningless small talk. They are going through nothing, they think about nothing and they only have shallow conversation to share. It bores me…I want to know the real you and not the plastic version of yourself.
I think this is why I am single. Too often the men I meet try to create themselves into the kind of man that they presume I would be interested in. I see right through it all but it’s interesting to stand back and just watch them unfold. I have been single for a long while now. I told myself when I got sober a year ago that I would not settle with just anyone anymore. I would know my own worth and be willing to patiently wait for the right person. I want someone who shares the same passion as me so that if we are together, we can do the same things: hiking and eventually a person that will willingly do larger scale hiking and traveling. Someone who loves to run and get outside with me or enjoy yoga. Someone that doesn’t NEED to really know what the future unfolds. Someone that doesn’t care what others think of him and doesn’t need constant reassurance of his worth. Someone who doesn’t need to party like a child….someone who has got his party days out of the way and has no need to try and relive those memories. Someone who can see the beauty in everything and someone who can grow in love with his life and the people in his life without judgment. Someone who is honest and knows what he wants.
There you go, a little post about depth and shallow conversation linked to relationships:) the beauty of not needing to write about fitness!